I think that an ideal written vocabulary of a student must have the word in English, the pronunciation, the part of speech, derivatives, prepositions, colocation etc. The example of an ideal written vocabulary is done in form of a table.
Before starting my research I used only a paper English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary and Yandex.Translate. In this dictionaries I looked for the word in English and its meaning in Russian. I used tese dictionaries while doing homework. Rarely I looked for the word's collocations. I didn't know or didn't used other types of dictionaries.
While doing my research I discovered following types of dictionaries: thesaurus and corpus. I began to use more online dictionaries such as Google Translate, online Oxford Learner's dictionary and online Oxford collocation dictionary which is a very simple but useful dictionary.
Paper dictionaries don't depend on the connection to Internet. They also don't depend on the battery. For instanse e-dictionaries can have more words than a paper version because big paper dictionaries aren't comfortable to carry. A word can be easily found in a e-dictionary. More over there are many offline e-dictionaries so there isn't no more the problem of Internet connection. On the whole e-dictionaries are more helpful than paper dictionaries.
While doing the library researc I found out that nobody use paper dictionaries.
After carriing out the questionnaire I came up on that on 19 person 17 have a written vocabulary, 14 finds it useful, 7 use paper dictionaries, 15 use e-dictionaries, 15 use Google Translate, only 2 person knows what is lexicography and 7 find that it can be useful.
The results of the research on information dictionaries provide for language learners are summarized in the form of a table.
After carriing out the dictionary analyses I came up on that dictionaries can provide us the word in English, the pronunciation, the part of speech, sinonims, derivatives, prepositions, meanings, collocation and grammar forms. The last one can be divided into nouns(countable or uncountable), verbs(regular or irregular), adjectives(degrees of comparison) and adverbs(degrees of comparison).